Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Working on My Farm Girl Vintage Quilt

Today is October 31.  Happy Halloween!!  I can't believe just how fast the year has flown by.  It will be winter and snowing before we know it.

A few years ago, I had knee surgery.  I had fallen in love with the Vintage Farm Girl quilt and I thought it was a good project to work on while I was recovering.  Working on a 6 inch x 6 inch block seemed easy enough.

Which block should I start with, this second time?  The first block that jumped out at me was the Scrappy Strawberry block. 


The funny thing is that I really don't know why.  I'm not a pink person, but I do like the small 1 inch blocks in it.

When I originally started this quilt, I purchased several of Lori Holt's fabric lines.  I tried to match the fabrics that I saw in the quilt.  I had about 9 pinks and 9 greens.

Once I started piecing, I started seeing the shades of pink that just didn't seem to jive next to each other, in my opinion.  I moved some of the pieces around.

And then, I realized that it really didn't make much of a difference!  I'm happy with how my block turned out.

I'm adding two additional blocks that I had finished prior to today - the Farmhouse block and the Pinwheels block.

Until next time,

- - - - Jane - - - -

Let's Try This Again!

I apologize again!  It's been a while!

The last post was September 2020.  Since then, we had purchased a new house, and then I had some health issues come up.  Even though my health issues aren't completely resolved yet, I'm feeling much better than I have been. With my renewed energy, I'm going to restart my quilting blog.

I've been wanting to start this again, since me and my husband has become empty nesters (the youngest child is now in college).  With the extra time on hand, I thought this would be a good idea to manage all the different projects I have and share them once they're completed!

Since we have moved into our new home, I've acquired a sewing room!!  I've always had my sewing area sprawled the coffee table, for everyone to see. Depending on what project I was working, it was hard to hide.  Now, I'm able to close the door when my room gets too crazy!

As I have been unloading the boxes, I've come across a lot of UFO's. I will make an attempt to finish those quilt tops and, eventually, get them quilted.  So, I may seem as if I'm jumping from project to project at times.  I get very distracted, and I'll turn my attention to another project once it gets complicated or monotonous.  

So, here we go again!

- - - - Jane - - - -