Saturday, November 25, 2023

Farm Girl Vintage - Old Barn Block

I've been wanting to start on the Old Barn block for a while.  I don't know if it was the color red or the barns that are scattered in my area of southwest Indiana.  I found it very pleasing to the eye.

As I laid out the fabric pieces out, I could see that there weren't many seams that needed to be perfectly matched.  That made the piecing easy.

I could really see the barn coming together, once the quarter square triangle block was placed for the barn door.

Two more blocks I had made a while ago: Haystack Block and Wooly Sheep block.  Using the courthouse steps piecing, the Haystack block was a very easy block to piece together.  I found the piecing of the Wooly Sheep block very irritating.  I had a quite a fight with the ears.  I had an annoying time trying to keep the ears on the correct side of the head!  I'll add the embroidered legs later.

With these three blocks added, I have 15 blocks so far.

Until next time,

- - - - Jane - - - -

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